Computing Times

Monday, September 28, 2009

Google Doodle Marks 11th Birthday - ChannelWeb

by Tech Guy 0 comments


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Everyone should be allowed a tiny leeway on a birthday, and search engine giant Google is no exception, label ing the start ning of its second decade by taking some liberties with the English language.

Google, which celebrated its 11th birthday yesterday, determine d to execute something familiar to most people who employ the search engine and change its name plate for the day. In honor of its birthday, the latest execute odle reflected its milestone with "Google" being changed to "Googlle."

The changes to the Google name plate have reportedly happened for Web browsers in China, Lonexecute n and other portion s of Europe.

The search engine company often changes the name plate -- the Google lorecede that appears above the search engine box -- on its home page to label holidays or other significant days in hitale . In the past, Google execute odles have label ed the birth of H.G. Wells and Albert Einstein as well as Valentine's Day and Mexican Indepfinish ence.

In 2007, the Mountain View, Calif-based company incorporated specific American Holidays into its execute odle line-up, commemorating Veteran's Day.

Google's first Doodle appeared in 1998 in honor of the Burning Man Festival. Larry Page and Sergey Brin first designed the execute odle to let employ rs know that if Google's servers crashed it was becaemploy the co-founders were attfinish ing the festival.

In 2000 Brin and Page question ed intern Dennis Hwang to design a lorecede for Bastille Day. Since then Hwang has been drawing up the execute odles for Google.

Uses who click on the execute odle are presented with a list of search results related to that portion icular subject. For some Websites, that unexpected listing can result in a lot of traffic to the Website.

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Tech Guy
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